CRIB number

What is a CRIB number?
A CRIB number is a unique personal number for anyone registered with the Tax Administration.

Who needs a CRIB number?
Every taxpayer in Sint Maarten needs a CRIB number. This means both individuals and businesses. You will also need your CRIB number for communication with the Government.

What do you need a CRIB number for?
You will need your CRIB number when completing your income tax return. You need a CRIB number for communication with the Government. Receiving from and making payments to Government for e.g. services provided, business license, study financing, etc.

When to apply for your CRIB number?
You can apply for your CRIB number as soon as you have registered with the Civil Registry or earn income on Sint Maarten.

How to apply for a CRIB number? 
To apply for a CRIB number, you have to fill in this form: Request CRIB number and add the following documents that are submitted in order to complete the registration process:

  • A clear scan or photo (of the front and back) of your valid ID proof. This can be an ID or Passport.
  • Proof of residential address (detailed copy of census registration form not older than 6 months or lease agreement).

Send the request form and the required documents via e-mail to:

Once your CRIB number is ready, we will send it to the email address provided.